ingles dos rodrigues 2

29/06/2016 14:56

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 2  
To speak - falar To study - estudar
I speak I study
Eu falo Eu estudo
You speak You study
Você fala Você estuda
I speak English I study English
Eu falo Inglês Eu estudo inglês
I speak Spanish I study Spanish
Eu falo Espanhol Eu estudo Espanhol
You speak Portuguese You study Portuguese
Você fala português Você estuda Português
You speak French You study French
Você fala Francês Você estuda Francês
I speak with my friend I study with my sister
Eu falo com meu amigo Eu estudo com minha irmã
I speak with my brother I study with my friend
Eu falo com meu irmão Eu estudo com meu amigo
Você fala com seu pai Você estuda com sua mãe
I speak English with my friend I study Spanish with my sister

You Speak with your father You study with you mother Eu falo inglês com meu amigo Eu estudo Espanhol como minha irmã

Eu falo português com minha irmã Eu estudo francês com meus filhos

I speak Portuguese with my sister I study French with my children

You Speak French with your son You Study Portuguese with your father Você fala Francês com seu Filho Você estuda Português com seu pai

Eu falo inglês como minha filha Eu estudo inglês com a minha mãe

I Speak English with my daughter I study English with my mother

I don’t speak French. Eu não falo Francês

I don’t study with my sister Eu não estudo com minha irmã

I don’t speak Spanish with my brother Eu não falo Espanhol com meu irmão


To Speak - Falar To Study - Estudar

At – em, na At the – na, no The – o Correto I work at night Não existe I work in the night Não existe At morning Correto In the Morning


Father – Pai Mother – Mãe Brother- Irmão Sister – Irmã Son- Filho Daughter – Filha

Child – Criança Children- Crianças, Filhos My- meu, minha meus; minhas Your – seu, sua

With – Com Portuguese - Português English – Inglês French – Francês Spanish – Espanhol

Of- de A – um, uma Cup – Xícara Glass – Copo Now – Agora Today – Hoje


Good Moning – Bom dia Good Afternoon – Boa tarde Good Evening – Boa noite (Chegada) Good Night – (Saída)


I drink – eu bebo I don’t drink – eu não bebo

I eat – Eu como I don’t eat – Eu não como

I study – Eu estudo I don’t study – Eu não estudo

I speak – Eu falo I don’t speak – Eu não falo

I speak with you – Eu falo com você I don’t speak with you – Eu não falo com você

7. study, I, don’t, French, sister, my, with  
Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1. Eu como pão e queijo / Eu não como presunto

Lesson 3  
To Work - Trabalhar To Play - Jogar
I work I play
Eu trabalho Eu jogo
You work You play
Você trabalha Você joga
I work here I play soccer
Eu trabalho aqui Eu jogo futebol
You work there You play tennis
Você trabalha lá Você joga tênis
I work alone I play volleyball with my friend
Eu trabalho sozinho Eu jogo vôlei com meu amigo
You work at a home You play chess with your brother
Você trabalha em casa Você joga xadrez com seu irmão
I don’t work at the bank I don’t play the piano
Eu não trabalho no banco Eu não toco piano
I don’t work at the store I don’t play the guitar
Eu não trabalho na loja Eu não toco violão
I don’t work at home I don’t play the violin
Eu não trabalho em casa Eu não toco violino
I work in the morning I play in the morning
Eu trabalho de manhã eu brinco de manha
I work in the afternoon I play in the afternoon
Eu trabalho à tarde Eu brinco à tarde
You work in the evening You play in the evening

3 Você trabalha à noite Você brinca à noite

I study but I don’t work Eu estudo mas não trabalho

I play the guitar but I don’t play the violin Eu toco guitarra, mas não toco violino.

I play soccer but I don’t play tennis Eu jogo futebol mais não jogo tênis


To work – Trabalhar To play – jogar, brincar, tocar.


Friend – Amigo Teacher- Professor School – Escola Home – Casa Store – Loja

Alone – Sozinho Only - Só, Somente But – Mas Here – Aqui There – Lá

At- Em The – o, a Soccer – Futebol Tênnis – Tênis Volleyball – Vôlei

Chess – Xadrez Piano – Piano Guitar – Violão Violin - Violino


Excuse-me – desculpe, com licença, “não entendi”. Sorry – desculpe You’re Welcome – de nada

At night- à noite I Play the violin – Eu toco violino
Change into negative  

In the morning – de manhã I study at school – Eu estudo na escola In the afternoon – à tarde I work at home – Eu trabalho em casa In the evening – à noite I Play volleyball – Eu jogo vôlei 1. You study at school in the morning

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1- Eu bebo uma xícara de chá, obrigado. / De nada

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 4 Conversation  

I drink coffee in the morning. I don’t drink coffee in the morning, but I drink tea. I eat cheese in the afternoon. I don’t eat cheese in the afternoon, but I eat bread and ham. I work with my father. I don’t work with my father, but I work with my brother. I play the piano. I don’t play the piano, but I play the guitar.

Speak Right Now  
Oral Practice  

there – at night – Portuguese – alone – teacher – now – bread – glass – children - my

1- I drink juice. 2- You work at night. 3- I eat ham. 4- You play the violin. 5- I drink tea. 6- You study English. 7- I speak Portuguese. 8- You eat meat. 9- I eat cheese in the morning. 10- You speak with the teacher. 1- I play with my sister. 12- You work with my brother. 13- I study with my sister. 14- You drink tea in the evening. 15- I eat bread and butter. 16- You drink coffee at night. 17- I study and work. 18- You play tennis. 19- I speak with my brother. 20- You work at the store.


1- Children, I, with, speak, in, the, my, evening, English

Eu como pão com manteiga Único caso que não usa with - com

6- Eat, bread, I, cheese, ham, and

Substitution Practice  

1- I study Spanish with my brother at school

Written Practice  

4 1- Eu trabalho no mercado à tarde.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 5  
To like- Gostar To Sleep - Dormir
I like I sleep
Eu gosto Eu durmo
You like You sleep
Você gosta Você dorme
I like my car I sleep at home
Eu gosto do meu carro Eu gosto de dormir em casa
I like my house I sleep at night
Eu gosto da minha casa Eu gosto de dormir à noite
I like you I sleep in the afternoon
Eu gosto de você Eu durmo à tarde
I like to study I don’t like to drink soda
Eu gosto de estudar Eu não gosto de beber refrigerante
I like to work I don’t like to play
Eu gosto de trabalhar Eu não gosto de jogar
I like to speak I don’t like to sleep
Eu gosto de falar Eu não gosto de dormir
Do you like to study alone? I like study with you

5 Você gosta de estudar sozinho? Eu gosto de estudar com você


Do you like to work? Do you like to study with me?
Você gosta de trabalhar? Você gosta de estudar comigo
Do you like to eat? I like to speak with you
Você gosta de comer? Eu gosto de falar com você

Do you like to sleep? Do you to like speak with me? Você gosta de dormir? Você gosta de falar comigo?


To like – Gostar (de). To sleep – Dormir.


Book – Livro Car – Carro House- Casa Game – Jogo Big- Grande Small - Pequeno New – Novo

Old – Velho Husband –Marido Wife-Esposa Apple – Maça Orange – Laranja Or –Ou For – para, por

Breakfast - Café da manhã Lunch – almoço Dinner – Jantar This – Este, esse Yes – Sim No –Não

For breakfast – no café da manhã Every day – todos os dias.
For lunch – no almoço With me – comigo.

5 For dinner – no jantar.

I like to sleep – eu gosto de dormir An English teacher – um professor de Inglês.
A new book – um livro novo A car –um carro.
A big car – um carro grande An apple – uma maça.
An old house – uma casa velha  
Make Questions  

I don’t like to drink – eu não gusto de beber. Small house – casa pequena. Do you like to study? – você gosta de estudar? New car – carro novo

No, I don’t like to eat fish for lunch.

Substitution Practice  

2- I study with my sister in the morning.

Written Practice  

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 6 Conversation  

Do you speak Portuguese at home? No, I don’t speak Portuguese. I speak English.

Do you work in the morning? No, I don’t work in the morning. I work at night.

Do you drink tea with your friends? Yes, I like to drink tea with my friends in the afternoon.

Do you speak English with your brother? No, I speak English with my sister.

Speak Right Now  
Complete with  

Every day – child – friend – with me – book – this – big – small – new - old 1. Do you speak English? / French / Portuguese. 2. Do you like to sleep in the morning? In the afternoon / in the evening. 3. Do you drink coffee or milk for breakfast? / juice – coffee / juice milk. 4. Do you study English with your brother? / sister / friend. 5. Do you eat meat for breakfast? for lunch / for dinner. 6. Do you drink juice at night? in the morning / in the afternoon. 7. Do you play with your son every day? / daughter / children. 8. Do you eat bread and cheese at school? cheese ham / bread ham. 9. Do you study English or Portuguese at school? / French – Portuguese 10. Do you like to sleep or work at night? /study – work / sleep study 1. Do you study your English lessons alone? / French / Portuguese 12. Do you eat cheese or ham for breakfast? cheese – bread / ham -bread

1. I milk for breakfast.
2. I English at school.
3. I bread and cheese for dinner.
5. I don’t with my father.
6. I don’t to eat fish in the afternoon.
7. I don’t in the afternoon.
8. Do you in the morning?
9. Do you at the bank?
10. Do you ham?
Substitution Practice  

2. I don’t speak Portuguese. / I like to speak English.

Written Practice  

6 1. Você fala Inglês? / Eu falo inglês com o professor.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Review 1- Improve your pronunciation  

Cheese Thanks Portuguese

Daughter Child You’re welcome

Apple Breakfast An English

Teacher Alone


To drink

I drink You drink

I like I don’t like Do you like?

I eat cheese for breakfast I eat cheese and ham

I study with my brother I speak with you

Do you like to work with me?

I study here I work there

I drink only water I study alone

I like this car I work every day

In the morning In the afternoon In the evening At night

A car An apple I like my house Do you like your house?

Old car New house

I don’t drink, but I eat

I like to work at home I like to study at school

I play soccer You play the guitar

Change into interrogative  

1. I eat meat and drink a glass of orange juice for lunch

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  
Lesson 7  
To want – querer To go – ir
I want I go .
Eu quero Eu vou.
I want to go with you I want to go the movies .
Eu quero ir com você Eu quero ir ao cinema .
I want to speak only English I want to go to the park.
Eu quero falar só inglês Eu quero ir ao parque.
I want to play soccer I want to go to school.
Eu quero jogar futebol Eu quero ir à escola.
I want to sleep now I want to go to church.
Eu quero dormir agora Eu quero ir à igreja
I want to study French I want to go downtown.
Eu quero estudar Francês Eu quero ir ao centro.

I want to work at night. I want to go home. Eu quero trabalhar à noite Eu quero ir para casa.

What do you eat? What do you like to drink? .
O que você come? O que você gosta de beber?.

What do you play What do you like to study? O que você joga? O que você gosta de estudar?

What do you drink? What do you like to play? O que você bebe? O que você gosta de jogar?

What do you want? What do you like to eat? O que você quer? O que você gosta de comer?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  
“B” as in boy “S” as in Sam

How do you spell your name? Como se escreve/soletra seu nome?


To want – querer To go – ir

3ª pessoa He wants 3ª pessoa She goes

Não tem preposição


Office – Escritório Bank – Banco Movies – Cinema Park – Parque Church - Igreja Downtown – Centro da cidade

Tomorrow – Amanhã  

Boss – Chefe Manager – Gerente Neighbor – Vizinho Parents – Pais Day – Dia Week – Semana

To the – para o, para a, ao, à  

o – para,a In – Em In the – No That – aquele, aquela, aquilo What – O que, qual How - Como

In that – naquela





How do you speel your name? Como se escreve seu nome? So long – Até logo


I want to go to the movies – Eu quero ir ao cinema. I want to go to school – Eu quero ir à escola. (Downtown, home – são excessões) I want to go downtown – Eu quero ir ao centro. What do you want to drink? – O que você quer beber?

Complete with  

my / this / to the / at / in the / to

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1. Eu bebo uma xícara pequena de café de manhã.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 8 Conversation  

Do you want to go downtown with me tomorrow? I don’t want to go downtown. I want to go to the movies. Do you want to sleep or study English now? I want to study English now. Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning? I like to drink coffee and milk in the morning. What do you like to eat for breakfast? I like to eat only bread and ham for breakfast.

Speak Right Now  

downtown – spell – church – movies – tomorrow – big – small – week – home - parents 1- What do you eat for breakfast? / for lunch / for dinner. 2- Do you want to go downtown with me today? / to the movies / to the game. 3- Do you study in the morning or in the afternoon? / work / sleep. 4- Do you like your neighbor? / teacher / new house. 5- Do you want to drink juice now? / coffee / tea. 6- How do you spell your name? my / Wizard. 7- Do you study English at night? / in the morning / in the afternoon. 8- Do you drink a cup of tea in the afternoon? / coffee / milk 9- Do you play the piano? / guitar / violin. 10- Do you like to drink coffee or juice for breakfast? / coffee – tea / milj – juice 1- Do you work in a bank or in a store? / home – office / school – church. 12- What do you like to play? / drink / eat.


Valentine’s Day Dia dos namorados

Valentine’s Day is a special day O dia de São Valentino é um dia especial for children and adults. para crianças e adultos. On this day, americans buy chocolate Neste dia, os americanos compram chocolates and presents for friends.

e presentes para os amigos. Valentine cards with a heart,

Cartões com um coração, are very popular. são muito populares. Americans celebrate this day in Febreuary Os americanos comemoram este dia em Fevereiro with parties at school and at home. com festas na escola e em casa. The message on Valentine’s day is, “I love you”.

A mensagem no dia dos namorados/amizade é “eu te amo”

Labor Day Dia do Trabalho

Labor Day is celebrated O dia do trabalho é celebrado on the first Monday in September.

na prima segunda-feira de Setembro. It is a holiday in honor of labor.

É um feriado em homenagem ao trabalho. Most businesses close,

A maioria das empresas fecha, and there are activities e há atividades such as speeches, como discursos, sports events, parades, eventos esportivos, paradas and picnics.

E piqueniques.

Make Questions  

Yes, I want to go the park with my husband tomorrow.


No, I want to study only English with my brother.


Yes, I like to drink coffe and milk for breakfast.


Yes, I like to speak French with my manager.


No, I like to play with my friend at school


Yes, I like to go to the movie at night. No, I don’t want to go downtown this week.

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1. Eu quero um copo de água, por favor. / Obrigada.

I know I know myself. I know my creator Knowledge is never too much. Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 9  
To have - ter To understand - etender
I have I understand
Eu tenho Eu entendo.
I have a cat I understand Spanish
Eu tenho um gato Eu entendo Espanhol.
You have a dog You understand German
Você tem um cachorro Você entende Alemão.
I have a bicycle I understand only Chinese
Eu tenho uma bicicleta Eu entendo som ente Chinês.
You have a table You understand French
Você tem uma mesa Você entende Francês.
I have time I undestand English
Eu tenho tempo Eu entendo Inglês.
I have to study I want to understand
Eu tenho que estudar Eu quero entender
You have to sleep I you want to understand English.
Você tem que dormir Eu quero entender.
I have to work I have to understand Chinese
Eu tenho que trabalhar Eu tenho que entender Chinês.
You have to eat You have to understand your husband
Você tem que comer Você tem que entender seu marido.
Where do you work? Where do you have to go
Onde você trabalha Onde você tem que ir?
Where do you study Where do you want to study?
Onde você estuda? Onde você quer estudar?
Where do you play? Where do you want to play?
Onde você joga? Onde você quer jogar?
Where do you eat? Where do you want to work?
Onde você come? Onde você quer trabalhar?

To have - ter To understand – entender


Cat – Gato Dog – Cachorro Bicycle – Bicicleta Table – Mesa Every – Todo, cada Too – Também Also – também

Where – onde, aonde Time – Tempo Some – algum German – Alemão Chinese – Chinês Weekend – Fim de semana


See you – até logo See you later – até logo See you tomorrow – até amanhã On weekends – aos fins de semana

Where do you work? Onde você trabalha? I have a car.
I have to… - Eu tenho que… Eu tenho um carro.
I have to study - Eu tenho que estudar I have to go now.
I have to work – Eu tenho que trabalhar Eu tenho que ir agora
Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 10 Conversation  

Do you understand Spanish? I don’t understand Spanish. I understand only English. Do you have a dog at home? I don’t have a dog at home. I have a cat. Do you want to go downtown with me now? Sorry, but I have to study English with my teacher now. Do you speak English with your brother? I speak Portuguese with my brother. I speak English with my wife.

Speak Right Now  

Weekend – also – Spanish – German – here – dog – every – neighbor – park - time

1- Do you understand Spanish? / German / Chinese 2- Do you speak English at home? / Portuguese / French 3- Do you have a big car? / small / new / old 4- Do you want to study French with me? / Spanish / English 5- Do you want to go to the movies today? / park / downtown 6- Do you drink coffee and milk for breakfast? coffee – juice / tea – juice 7- Do you work with your parents? / sister / neighbor 8- Do you go to church every week? / day / weekend 9- Where do you want to go tomorrow? / this week / today 10- Where do you like to go on weekends? / eat / drink 1- What do you like to eat? / want / have 12- Do you have time to study every day? / play / sleep

1- What  
Substitution Practice  

10 1- I have a big cat. / Do you have a dog or a cat?

Written Practice  

10 1- Eu tenho um gato e um cachorro em minha casa.

5- Aonde você gosta de ir à noite? / Eu gosto de ir a igreja  

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 1  
To need - precisar To prefer -preferir
I need I prefer
Eu preciso Eu prefiro
I need to work I prefer my home
Eu preciso trabalhar Eu prefiro minha casa
I need to study I prefer my school
Eu preciso estudar Eu prefiro minha escola
I need to go I prefer my work
Eu preciso ir Eu prefiro meu trabalho
I need to sleep I prefer my city
Eu preciso dormir Eu prefiro minha cidade
Do you need to go now? What do you prefer to eat?
Você precisa ir agora? O que você prefer comer?
Do you need to study now? What do you prefer to drink?
Você precisa estudar agora? O que você prefere beber?
Do you need to work now? What do you prefer to play?
Você precisa trabalhar agora? O que você prefere jogar?
Do you need to sleep now? What do you prefer to study?
Você precisa dormir agora? O que você prefere estudar?
When do you need to go there? I like my house very much.
Quando você precisa ir lá? Eu gosto muito da minha casa

When do you need to go downtown? I like my family very much. Quando você precisa ir ao centro? Eu gosto muito da minha família

When do you need to go the store? I study in the city. Quando você precisa ir à loja? Eu estudo na cidade.

When do you need to go the bank? I work on the farm. Quando você precisa ir ao banco? Eu trabalho na fazenda

I play on weekends. Eu jogo nos fins de semana


To need – precisar (de) To prefer - preferir


Family – Família City - Cidade Farm - Fazenda Rice – Arroz Beans – Feijão

Potato – Batata When – Quando Chicken – Frango Turkey – Peru

Pork – Carne de porco Steak –Bife French fries – Batatas fritas

Vegetables – Vegetais Pasta - Macarrão Cow - vaca Ox - boi

Very much – Muito Rare – Mal passado
A little – Um pouco Medium – Ao ponto
Sometimes – Às vezes Well done – Bem passado

I need to study every week. – Preciso estudar todas as semanas. I don’t need to go. – Eu não preciso. Do you need to work? – Você precisa trabalhar? I like my house very much. – Eu gosto muito da minha casa. I like my family very much. – Eu gosto muito de minha família. In the city – Na cidade. On the farm – Na fazenda.

Make Questions  

No, I don’t need to go downtown today.


Sometimes I don’t understand my family.


I want to study English now.



I prefer turkey. I don’t like pork


I like to eat chicken and vegetables on weekends.


I like to eat rice, beans, vegetable and steak for luch. No, I prefer my steak well done.

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1- Eu tenho que estudar todas as semanas

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 12 Conversation  

Do you eat cheese or bread in the afternoon? I like to eat cheese in the afternoon. Do you want to go downtown with me tomorrow? Sorry, I need to study English tomorrow. Do you work with your brother? I don’t work with my brother. I work alone. When do you like to go to the park? I like to go to the park on weekends.

Speak Right Now  

Farm – city – office – day – boss – family – rice – sometimes – chicken – very much 1- Where do you study? / work / play. 2- Do you need to study English? / French / German. 3- What do you prefer to drink in the morning? / eat / study. 4- Do you like to eat rice and beans every day? / week / on weekends. 5- What do you need to study today? / want / have. 6- When do you study your English lessons? Spanish / German. 7- Where do you want to go on weekends? / like / need. 8- Do you understand German? / Chinese / Spanish. 9- Where do you need to go now? / today / tomorrow. 10- When do you like to go to the movies? / park / church. 1- How do you spell chicken? / turkey / steak. 12- Do you sometimes play the guitar? / violin / piano.

Complete with  
2- I want to to the movies on weekends.
3- What do you to eat for dinner?
4- I Chinese.
6- I to eat cheese in the moning.
7- What do you to speak with me now?
Substitution Practice  

12 1- I need to study English. / Do you like your teacher?

Written Practice  

12 1- Eu tenho uma casa nova na fazenda

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Review 2 Improve your pronunciation  

Church Downtown Neighbor City Some Bicycle Potato When Turkey Prefer


I go to the bank to the movies to the park

I go to school to church

I go downtown home

What do you want? When do you need to study? Where do you work?

In the city On the city

I sometimes go downtown.

I have a car. I have to study.

I work at the bank. I study at school. I sleep at home.

How do you spell your name? On weekends

I like you very much. I speak German too.

I don’t eat meat. I also don’t eat meat.

Make Questions  

I eat bread and cheese and I drink a cup of tea for breakfast.


I play volleyball every afternoon at shool.


I need to work with my manager this weekend.


i have to study French with my sister now.


I want to go to the movies with my friends on weekends.


I like to play the guitar at home.


I prefer to go downtown on weekends.

Substitution Practice  
Written Practice  

1. Aonde você quer ir? / Eu quero ir ao cinema

Lesson 13  
To buy - comprar To sell - vender
I buy I sell
Eu compro Eu vendo
I want to buy a house I want to sell my bicycle
I quero comprar uma casa Eu quero vender minha bicicleta
I want to buy a new house I need to sell my store

13 Eu quero comprar uma casa nova Eu preciso vender minha loja

I want to buy a car I want to sell my house
Eu quero comprar um carro Eu quero vender minha casa
I want to buy a new car I need to sell my car

Eu quero comprar um carro novo Eu preciso vender meu carro.

I want to buy a dress I want to sell my CDs

Eu quero comprar um vestido Eu quero vender meus CDs

I want to buy a newdress I need to sell my book

Eu quero comprar um vestido novo Eu preciso vender meu livro

Do you need to buy a coat? Do you want to sell your car?

Você precisa comprar um casaco? Você quer vender seu carro?

Do you need to buy a new shirt? Do you want to sell your house? Você quer comprar uma camisa nova? Você quer vender sua casa?

Do you need to buy a T-shirt? Do you want to sell your bicycle? Você precisa comprar uma camiseta? Você quer vender sua bicicleta?

Do you need to buy a pen? Do you want to sell your farm?

Você precisa comprar uma caneta? Você quer vender sua fazenda?

Numbers Greetings

I have one brother and two sister My name is John Eu tenho um irmão e duas irmãs Meu nome é John

I have eight cousins Nice to meet you
Eu tenho oito primos Muito prazer

I need to buy twelve books this year. Nice to meet you, too. Eu preciso comprar doze livros esse ano O prazer é meu.


To buy – comprar To sell - vender


Money – dinheiro Ice cream – sorvete Candy – bala, doce Chocolate – Chocolate Bubble gum – chiclete Pencil – lápis

Pen – caneta CD – CD Dress – Vestido Blouse – blusa Skirt – saia Coat – casaco

Shirt – camisa T-shirt – camiseta Pants – calça Shoe – sapato Boot - bota


Nice to meet you – Muito prazer. Nice to meet you, too – O prazer é meu.


Numbers 0 – zero 1 – one 2 – two 3 –three 4 –four 5 –five 6 –six 7 –seven

8 –eight 9 –nine 10 –ten 1 –eleven 12 –twelve 13 –thirteen 14 –fourteen 15 –fifteen

16 –sixteen 17 –seventeen 18 –eighteen 19 – nineteen 20 –twenty

To buy for – Comprar para To sell for – Vender para

Answer the Questions  

1. What do you need to buy today?



Substitution Practice  

Plural Candis

Pencies shoes

Written Practice  
Lesson 14 Conversation  

Do you want to buy an ice cream or some bubble gum? I want to buy some bubble gum. Do you want to sell your bicycle? I don’t want to sell my bicycle. Do you want to buy a shirt for your brother? I want to buy a shirt and some pants, too. Do you need to work downtown today? I need to work downtown tomorrow.

Speak Right Now  

breakfast – shoe – dress – pants – bubble gum – money – pencil – french fries – cup - cheese


21- Do you buy ice cream every day? / candy / chocolate. 2- Do you have a cat at home? / dog / fish . 23- What do you want to buy now? / eat / drink. 24- Do you drink milk at night? / in the morning / in the afternoon. 25- Do you want to study in my house? / school / city. 26- When do you go to the movies? / to the park / downtown. 27- Do you like to buy books? / CDs / shoes. 28- What car do you like? / book / CD. 29- Do you sometimes buy books for your children? / friends / parents 30- Do you speak English with your boss every day? / Chinese / German. 31- Where do you like to go on weekends? / need / have 32- When do you want to speak with me? / study / work


St. Patrick São Patrício

St. Patrick brought Christianity São Patrício trouxe o cristianismo to Ireland many years ago. para a irlanda alguns anos atras. He used a three leaf-clover to teach the Trinity.

Ele usou um trevo de três folhas para ensinar a Trindade. Today children wear green clothes

Hoje as crianças vestem roupas verdes to school celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. para ir à escola celebrar o Dia de São Patrício. When children forget to wear green, Quando as crianças esquecem de vestir verde, another boy or girl will pinch them as a punishment. outro menino ou menina os beliscará como punição.

Columbus Day Dia de Colombo

“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”.

“Em 1492 Colombo navegou o oceano azul”. American children learn this time at school As crianças americanas aprendem esta frase na escola when they study the discovery of America. quando elas estudam o descobrimento da América. Christopher Columbus was looking for a route Critóvão Colombo estava procurando uma rota to India when he discovered America.

para a India quando ele descobriu a América. For this reason the native Americans are called Indians.

Por esta razão os natives americanos são chamados de índios.

I develop I develop myself I develop my mind and spirit

Spirituality is essential for peace of mind. I find time for spiritual development.

Substitution Practice  
Substitution Practice  

1- I need to buy a new dress and a new shirt.

7- Do you need to buy new shoes or new boots?

Written Practice  

1- Eu preciso comprar uma camisa nova hoje.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 15  
To help – ajudar To know - saber
I help I know
Eu ajudo Eu sei
I help my cousin Eu know how to speak English
Eu ajudo meu primo Eu sei falar inglês
I help my uncle I know how to go downtown
Eu ajudo meu tio Eu sei ir ao centro
I help my aunt I know how to play chess
Eu ajudo minha tia Eu sei jogar xadrez
I help my relatives I know how to spell your name
Eu ajudo meus parentes Eu sei escrever seu nome
I help my family I know how to work on the computer
Eu ajudo minha família Eu sei trabalhar no computador.

Do you know my grandfather? Voce conhece meu avô?

Do you know my grand parents? Voce conhece meus avós?

Do you know my teacher? Voce conhece meu professor?

How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Quantos irmãos e irmãs voce tem? Quantos netos você tem?

I have two brothers I have seven grandsons.
Eu tenho dois irmãos Eu tenho sete netos
I have one sister I have five granddaughters.

Eu tenho uma irmã Eu tenho cinco netas.

I have twenty-eight cousins Eu tenho 28 primos

I have one hundred books. I have two hundred and fifty CDs Eu tenho cem livros. Eu tenho 250 Cds,


To help - ajudar To know - saber, conhecer


15 Grandfather – avô Grandmother – avó Grandparents – avós Grandson – neto Granddaughter – neta

Grandchildren – netos Cousin –primo Relative – parente Beach – praia Apartment – apartamento Cookie – bolacha

Cake – bolo Popcorn – pipoca Slice – fatia Piece - pedaço


Write – escrever How many – quantos About – sobre, mais o menos, aproximadamente


20 – twenty 21 – twenty one 2 – twenty two 23 – twenty three 24 – twenty four 25 – twenty five 26 – twenty six

27 – twenty seven 28 – twenty eight 29 – twenty nine 30 – thirty 40 – forty 50 – fifty 60 – sixty

70 - seventy 80 – eighty 90 – ninety 100 – one hundred 200 – two hundred 1000 – one thousand

Eu sei falar alemão Eu sei ir ao centro.
Answer the Questions  

I know how to speak German I know how to go downtown

Substitution Practice  

6- I want to go to church with you on weekends.

Written Practice  

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 16 Conversation  

16 Do you help your wife at home? I sometimes help my wife at home. Do you prefer to speak English or Spanish? I prefer to speak English. I don’t speak Spanish. Do you want to help me tomorrow? Sorry, but I have to work tomorrow. Do you want to go to the beach with me? I want to go to the movies with you.

Speak Right Now  

about – relatives – potato – grandmother – today – manager – apartment – slice – beach – grandparents


1- When do you help your parents? / friends / neighbor 2- What do you want to sell? / buy / study 3- Do you want to buy an apartment at the beach? / house / popcorn 4- Do you know what car I have? / want / like 5- Do you need to work tomorrow? / study / play 6- Do you eat popcorn at the movies? / candy / chocolate 7- Do you like to drink tea or coffee in the morning? / juice-tea / juice – coffee 8- Do you want some bubble gum? / cookies / candy 9- How many cups of coffee do you drink every day? / tea / milk 10- Do you have time to help me today? / tomorrow / this week 1- Do you know how to spell my name? / your / Washington 12- When do you want to go home? / to the mall / to the movies


1- Need, water, I , to drink, now